Why I Wrote This Guide

I wrote this guide in preparation for my Smartly.io interview. I was interviewing for a Technical Account Manager role, and in approximately 1 week had to go from zero FB Marketing knowledge to becoming a FB Marketing guru.

I started out thinking "how hard could Facebook marketing be. You get your designer to make a pretty ad, post it on Facebook, link it to your website, and boom, you’re done." A monkey could do that job. Why someone would pay $1,000+/mo for a system like Smartly baffled me. But boy...was I wrong. As I dove deeper, I discovered how insanely complex the FB Advertising ecosystem is. To TRULY become a FB Marketing guru would take many years. Unfortunately, I only had a week. So I began reading every article, viewing every video, taking every course, and pestering every one of my friends who remotely worked with Facebook marketing.

This guide is a compilation of everything I learned.

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